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For most posts on this blog, comments are turned off by default. For reasons why this is the case, and with which I largely agree, see this blog post at Bioethics Bulletin. I will open comments on individual blog posts when I explicitly desire feedback on something I have written. Those comments will be moderated; irrelevant, abusive comments will be sent to the circular file.

I welcome intelligent and constructive feedback, however, and I think of email as the best medium for this. (For some examples of people who agree and their reasons why, go here and here.) Click on over to the Contact page and send me an email.

Thanks for your understanding.


Are the wealthy more ethical?

Neil Wagner, writing for The Atlantic:

Who is more trustworthy, a rich person or a poor one? According to a new study, poor people are more likely to act ethically than the wealthy. The difference in ethical behavior may be about opportunity rather than moral fiber, however.

Fascinating series of experiments.

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